Rebuilding with Biodiesel
Officials in Parkersburg, Iowa recently received a check for $10,520 to help them rebuild their town destroyed by an F5 tornado back on May 25, 2008. This story from Biodiesel Magazine says the money is from donors from all over the state: The initial idea of the fundraiser was for…
London Fashion Week: Make Your Mark
The dilemma for those who want to see ethical change in the fashion industry is how to encourage the new generation of designers to get interested. “Make Your Mark” is one solution that is showing some fabulous results. It was a national competition that allowed young designers to be mentored…
Eco Design Award in Sapporo, Japan
The Eco Design Award in Sapporo, northern Japan, is a small but growing event inviting designers to think about materials and shapes, and come up with great design.
Expo Zaragoza: Spanish Pavilion as Sustainable Architecture
This past weekend marked the closure of three-month-long Expo Zaragoza 2008. Petz told us about the The Thirst Pavilion, the German Pavilion and the eco-friendly urinals that use no water, chemicals or energy. I was lucky enough to have a long weekend and took in some of the sights while…