What Lies Beneath The Arctic Ice
The U.S. Geological Survey has some insight into what lies beneath/near/on the Arctic Circle: An estimated 90 billion barrels of recoverable oil Enough oil to supply the WORLD’s needs for nearly 3 years. Maybe 1.670 trillion cubic fee of natural gas About 13% of the world’s undiscovered oil About 30%…
239 Billion Green Opportunities in China
There are 239 billion green opportunities in China. That is, China is planning on spending Y2 trillion ($239 million) to ensure that renewable energy will account for 15% of the nation’s power by the year 2020. China is the world’s second largest energy user. A country one fourth the size…
Expo Zaragoza: Spanish Pavilion as Sustainable Architecture
This past weekend marked the closure of three-month-long Expo Zaragoza 2008. Petz told us about the The Thirst Pavilion, the German Pavilion and the eco-friendly urinals that use no water, chemicals or energy. I was lucky enough to have a long weekend and took in some of the sights while…